Plastic Bottle Consumption and Recycling

plastic bottle consumption infographic

Single-use plastics, or disposable plastics, are used only once before they are thrown away or recycled. This includes items like plastic bags, straws, coffee stirrers, soda and water bottles and most food packaging. Out of all the plastic waste, single use plastic bottles have wreaked a havoc on the planet. Only 20% of single use plastic bottles get recycled while the rest end up in […] Read more »

Reducing Carbon Emissions Using Heat Pumps

In 2018 our society released 37.1 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere, this has been shown to exacerbate climate change. CO2 isn’t a greenhouse gas with a large global warming potential but the sheer volume of it is becoming a problem with around 25% more of it in our planet’s atmosphere than there was in pre-industrial times and it is getting worse not […] Read more »

How to Make Your Own DIY Cleaners

diy cleaning recipes

Have you heard of the numerous benefits from making your own house cleaners? You don’t have to waste money on expensive liquids that are filled with dangerous chemicals. By using what you have in your kitchen cupboard you are eliminating the tread of triggering an allergic reaction or accidental poisoning. Eco-friendly cleaners are safe both around toddlers and pets. This infographic includes a list of […] Read more »

Dangerous Pests in the UK

Do you know that your British garden is threatened by vicious and deadly pests, that are just waiting to destroy your precious plants? Not only that, but these little hungry creatures can also eradicate whole populations of other bug species. We are talking about the environmental crisis that is spread by the non-native species entering the British ecosystems, and endangering the local flora and fauna. […] Read more »

Coal Vs Solar

solar vs coal energy infographic

The world as we know it is not in a great condition. Most people would argue that this is due to humanity’s major dependence on fossil fuels to produce energy; those being coal, oil, natural gas, and so on. But is there really a viable solution to this? Is there a clear winner in the solar vs coal debate? We think there is, but it […] Read more »

30 Ways to Green Your Office Space

office green tips

Ever felt like you weren’t doing enough to help the environment? While we all might try to do our bit, there are plenty of habits we can change in all aspects of our life to save the earth and they really don’t have to be very difficult or time consuming. We spend most of our lives at work so that seems like a good place […] Read more »

How to Turn Your Vehicle Into An Eco-Friendly One

eco friendly cars infographic

Climate change and global warming are perhaps the biggest concerns that the entire population of the world is concerned with right now. It transcends political and diplomatic relations, and only concerns itself with how mankind’s current lifestyle is worsening the conditions of the world at large. Nations have considered them threats of high alert and has since spearheaded efforts to change human behavior that is […] Read more »

Global Production of Solar & Wind Electricity Production

clean energy infographic

According to scientific forecasts, by 2030 renewable sources will supply 14% of U.S. electricity, which means that people will gradually use more and more solar and wind power. But, this trend is taking over even today. In the following infographic you will find out which countries produce the most amount of solar and wind electricity. In recent years, wind electricity registered impressive results by having […] Read more »