Reducing Carbon Emissions Using Heat Pumps

In 2018 our society released 37.1 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere, this has been shown to exacerbate climate change. CO2 isn’t a greenhouse gas with a large global warming potential but the sheer volume of it is becoming a problem with around 25% more of it in our planet’s atmosphere than there was in pre-industrial times and it is getting worse not […] Read more »

How Furnace Tune Ups Save You Money

Furnace Tune Ups Infographic

Are furnace tune ups a good idea? Your HVAC technician seems to think so, but where is he getting his data? The creators of this infographic went behind the scenes to determine whether or not furnace tune ups really save you money in the long run. The result was pretty overwhelming. Furnace tune ups can save you a significant amount of money in the long term, […] Read more »

Steps to Efficient Heating

Weather temperatures go up and down and as we all know heating bills can get out of hand rather fast if you are living month to month. Not everyone can afford Nest currently and because of that it is good to follow these steps. Keep your fireplace damper closed when not in use. Turn your thermostat down when people go to bed and during the day […] Read more »

BathEmpire BTU Infographic

As winter strikes, it’s difficult to block out the sounds of howling wind, the grey, thundering skies and blistery chills you get every time you walk out your door. To stay on the safe side, a lot of us tend to turn up the heat as high as possible and try to remain in the warm solace of our homes. However, most people really are […] Read more »