Why Smoothies are Better Than Juicing

Smoothies and Juicing Infographic

With the hype that juicing is getting from the health community, it’s important to remind ourselves that there are other alternatives. Smoothies are a great example. In many ways, they are better for you than juicing. One of the main reasons is the presence of fiber in smoothies. This helps you feel fuller longer and provides for a much more enjoyable cleanse. Also, with smoothies you have the option to add […] Read more »

32 Unhealthy Foods You Think Are Good For You

Unhealthy Foods Infographic

The hardest part about being healthy is sifting through all the conflicting advice from doctors, the FDA, expert studies, and schools. Unfortunately, most of the food we’re told we should be eating is actually pretty terrible for us. Often, science will find a healthy food, and greedy companies will find ways to process it to make it last longer and be produced for cheaper. This […] Read more »