Google Panda Update and Changes Up Close

The Google Panda update has gone through 14 different major changes in hopes to clean up the search engine’s result pages. A majority of the changes specifically target low quality content, duplicate content, and high ad-to-content ratio. Major ways to help your site in the search engines is to review and create more unique content for your site.

Creating unique content makes your site a better user experience and helps you become an authority in your industry. Ignore old-hat SEO tactics like keyword stuffing and make the content that you create flow naturally; it is good to include keywords, but there is a certain point where content will start to read unnaturally. Also, it is important to continually vary up anchor text within internal and external links.

Our infographic should give us insights based on the Panda updates how we should be improving our site and where Google is heading in the future with their algorithm changes. As always, the Panda update and what Google preaches often is to create the best user experience as well as you can. Focusing on the user will normally yield good results in the search engines and more than likely a few more sales too!

Reasons To Redesign Your Website - Infographic
[Source: Research for this infographic brought to you by, the best in search engine optimization].

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