10 Acupressure Points For Your Ear Infection

acupressure treatment for ear infections infographic

Ear pain is mostly seen with kids because they don’t take proper care of their ears. This pain could be severe and hard for children to bear, so it’s better to get it treated early. To make it a lot simpler, The Fit Global have come up with 10 Acupressure Points which helps with your ear infection treatment. Acupressure treatment is one of the most […] Read more »

How Shooting Affects Your Hearing

Hearing Protection Infographic

Our ears are under increasing pressure from everyday noise. Noise levels are skyrocketing thanks to things such as traffic, radio, television, appliances and even just more people around us. Scientific research has shown that when humans are consistently exposed to noise levels above 85 decibels, that we can start suffering damage. The research has gone on to show that when we are exposed to noise […] Read more »