Monitor Your Social Media in Only 10 Minutes a Day

social media in minutes infographic

The whole marketing landscape has changed with the introduction of social media to the business. With a huge variety of social media platforms made available on the web, there’s a greater chance of reaching out to your target market’s concerns more easily. Social media has become a powerful tool, as it gives us control right at our fingertips. Imagine sharing that piece of content that […] Read more »

Tips for Amazon Sellers to Increase Sales

Amazon selling infographic

Amazon merchants, especially the newbies, have one common question in mind. How to increase sales on Amazon? What is the secret of those sellers who gain huge profits from Amazon? Sadly, there is no one sure way to be successful. But it pays to know the things that may or may not help your business. Here are some useful tips and strategies that could be […] Read more »

Metaphors: Words That Sell

Metaphors Infographic

Millions of dollars are lost and endless hours of effort are wasted because of failed communication. How can you guarantee that what you say resonates? How can you turn the complex into the simple? Shift perceptions to your advantage? Close business more quickly? Rally others to your cause? The answer is to master the overlooked power of metaphor. a timeless, cost-free—and overlooked–communication tool. In this […] Read more »

24 Mind Blowing Sales and Marketing Automation Stats

Marketing Trends Infographic

Did you know that adopting sales and marketing automation in your business can trigger a number of positive events? That’s right, from a more structured approach to sales, faster and more optimized lead generation and nurturing strategies, to closing sales faster, automation is bound to bring in a number of growth opportunities and of course, opportunities to grow your revenue. The sales and marketing automation […] Read more »