How Will the ACA (Obamacare) Affect Senior Citizens?

Affordable Health Care Infographic

The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, has many implications for senior citizens and Medicare. has compiled this infographic which offers the views of both the opponents and proponents of the legislation. Healthcare is very tricky and we do suggest doing all of your research that you can before choosing anything. Don’t be pressured into anything until you know what is what and how […] Read more »

The Truth About Obamacare Taxes

The Affordable Care Act is likely to change the way modern healthcare looks, but what about the taxes that come with it? Obamacare is designed to make healthcare coverage available to everyone, but with the affordable prices over 20 new taxes will be introduced to Americans to offset the costs. Over half a trillion dollars in taxes to be exact. I’m all for affordable healthcare […] Read more »