10 Ways HR Managers Can Boost Workplace Productivity

workplace productivity infographic

For a company to move forward you must focus on the productivity of the employees. When they are productive they tend to produce better results. Human Resource managers should work on improving the productivity in a workplace. This is because there can be times when employees lack motivation and might produce low quality results. When this happens, it can affect the profits of a company. […] Read more »

Emotional IQ and You

Emotional Intelligence Infographic

Emotional intelligence plays a big role in the business industry. About 1 in 3 hiring managers place an increase on emotional intelligence over the typical IQ, with 71% saying it’s more important than IQ. In fact, over half of the hiring managers said they wouldn’t hire someone with a high IQ and low emotional IQ. Why do employers value emotional intelligence over IQ? They say […] Read more »