ECOnomic Benefits of the Feed-in Tariff Scheme

Feed-In Tariff Scheme Infographic

Using information from Ofgem and the UK Government we take you through several reasons why installing the latest eco-friendly technologies in your home can help you lower your household bills. Utilizing technologies such as solar panels can help you benefit financially (from the feed-in tariff scheme) while also helping to secure a brighter future for our planet. Read more »

Australia’s Bill Paying Habits

Paying Bills in Australia Infographic

Paying bills would have to be one of the least enjoyable aspects of adulthood and understandably many of us can be guilty of missing a payment from time to time. Fox Symes & Associates, one of Australia’s leading debt consolidation providers, recently conducted a study involving 1,201 Australian adults which sought to explore some of the reasons we fail to pay our bills on time. […] Read more »