Is Google Personalized Search Getting Too Personal?

Google is GOOD. Let’s just start with that. As years have passed, online search has increasingly improved to serve the best and most relevant web results. These new delivery of more relevant than ever before search results is exciting. However, in Google’s quest to serve us the best results, they are evolving towards a personalized search experience. This is good and bad. The more personalized search results and advertising gets, the more our privacy is invaded.

So many people have complained and put up a fight about these personal search results, that Pew Research’s Internet and American Life Project conducted a study to reveal what users perceive and believe about the impact of personal search. MDG Advertising gathered the data and results of the survey into an informative infographic that shows “the real public perception of search”.

First of all, we see what web users think about the reliability of search results, with 66% of all people not thinking that the search results are biased. 73% of users fully trust their search results.

More than half of the people that responded to the survey believe that search results have improved over time. More than 65% of people believe that personalized search may reduce search results quality. An even larger percentage, 73% say it is a full on invasion of privacy.

Is Personalized Search Getting Too Personal? [infographic by MDG Advertising]

Infographic by MDG Advertising
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