The Death of the Household Budget

Budgeting is of one of the most important factors when it comes to running a household. Managing your expenses based on a bank statement may be ok in the short term, but it doesn’t allow people to plan long-term future goals such as retirement or buying a house, nor does it allow for emergency situations such as car repairs, illness or losing your job. In […] Read more »

5 Ways To Keep Your Credit Reports Clean

Maintaining good credit is essential to having healthy financials, and in this day and age your credit is a huge indicator of loan worthiness to most financial institutions. Good credit is a critical component to getting a home loan, car loan, credit cards, student loans, renting an apartment or home, and even getting a job! Just as your home and car need to be maintained […] Read more »

Investment Opportunities Projections for 2014

Online Trading Academy, a leading source for investor training, has come up with a list of what’s hot and what’s not for investment opportunities for 2014. The trading academy has 34 financial educational centers all over the world and they also have a full online curriculum. The investment opportunity forecast for 2014 are from some of their top traders. From the hot traders, like the […] Read more »

Credit: More Than Just a Score

Credit: More than just a score

Whether you’re starting a new business or just looking to get a new credit card, maintaining a good credit score is important. There are many factors that go into your overall credit score. These include your debt, age, number of accounts, and others. The number one factor though, is the frequency in which you pay your bills on time. Late payments hurt your score and […] Read more »

Maximizing Cash Flow Infographic

maximize cash flow infographic

Get tips on how to maximize your operating levels with this cash flow infographic from Citizens Bank. From taking out a small business loan to covering lulls in your cycle to balancing accounts payable vs. accounts receivable, managing your cash flow is very important. Everyone from the guy in the cog to the guy making it knows about cash flow problems. We all want to […] Read more »

The Growing Digital Challenge to Governments’ Money Monopoly

Digital Money Infographic

Have you ever heard of Bitcoins in the last few years? Bitcoins are a new form of digital currency that is gaining traction in the virtual world. The hard part is that many governments want to regulate the currency and have a hard time even understanding what is involved in regulating a global currency that is not set to any one given country. Maybe this […] Read more »

The Great Chinese Gold Rush

China's Gold Rush infographic

As US and Western leaders recklessly print money and pile up debts, across the world a waking giant is playing her trump card in the global currency wars. China is buying gold hand over fist as her government and citizens stockpile gold bullion bars, preparing for a future beyond the US dollar. Do the Chinese know something you don’t? Read how China has unleashed her […] Read more »

Medical Debt in the US

Medical Debt Infographic

Here’s a question. If someone in your family suffered a major medical emergency, do you have the funds in savings to cover the costs? Most likely the answer to that question is ‘no.’ It’s no wonder then that medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States. And if it isn’t the medical bills themselves, it’s the credit card debt racked up to […] Read more »

The Evolution of Electronic Payments

Evolution of Electronic Payments Infographic

Electronic payment processing has come a long way with more and more businesses now accepting credit cards. This infographic creates a visual representation of the history of electronic payment technology. From the first mention of the credit card in a novel published in 1887 and the birth of ecommerce to the first online purchase and  the advancement of mobile payment technology this infographic covers it […] Read more »

The Truth About Obamacare Taxes

The Affordable Care Act is likely to change the way modern healthcare looks, but what about the taxes that come with it? Obamacare is designed to make healthcare coverage available to everyone, but with the affordable prices over 20 new taxes will be introduced to Americans to offset the costs. Over half a trillion dollars in taxes to be exact. I’m all for affordable healthcare […] Read more »